Server Setup

Getting started on the server

We'll be using Convex (opens in a new tab) to implement our file storage, but you could use any means of generating an upload URL, as long as you can authorize it.

Setting up Convex functions for file upload

We'll use 2 mutations (opens in a new tab): The first one generates an upload URL, the second one saves the file storage ID in our database.

Create a mutation that generates an upload URL

This mutation basically defines an endpoint that gives our UI a URL to upload files to. It can also:

  • Verify that the user is authorized to upload files
import { v } from "convex/values";
import { mutation } from "./_generated/server";
export const generateUploadUrl = mutation({
  args: {
    // ...
  handler: async (ctx, args) => {
    // use `args` and/or `ctx.auth` to authorize the user
    // ...
    // Return an upload URL
    return await;

Create a mutation that saves the file storage ID

The second endpoint will be called after the file upload is complete, to save the uploaded files' storage IDs and any metadata in our database. It can also:

  • Reverify that the user is still authorized to upload the file
  • Limit the number of uploaded files
  • Limit the file size

In your project you can give these mutations more specific names based on your use case, and you can create multiple pairs of mutations for different file uploading use cases you might have in your app.

With these mutations in place, you're ready to use one of the provided APIs to implement file uploading in your app's UI.

Build your UI